UTTSA General Election 2009
The Executive Board of the University of Toronto Thai Student Association serves an important role in serving the Thai community at the University of Toronto across its three campuses. It is also a main point of contact between the Thai community and the broader Canada.
Following the executive board meeting on Tuesday, the 13th day of March, 2009, a general election has been called for each of the positions shown below:
- President (1 Position)
- Vice-President (1 Position)
- Coordinator (1 Position)
- Webmaster (1 Position)
An election for the first year representative will be commenced in September.
Nominations must be in writing and email to the current vice-president at s.komthong[at]utoronto.ca. Any UTTSA members are allowed to nominate one candidate for each of the running positions. Please note that only full time students at the University of Toronto from August 2009 to April 2010 are allowed to run for the posts of president and vice-president. Nominations close on Friday, the 3rd day of April, 2009 at 17:00 hours.
The running candidates are allowed 250 words personal statement which are due on Friday, the 3rd of April, 2009. The statements are to be sent to the current vice-president at s.komthong[at]utoronto.ca.
Election Procedure
The election for next year UTTSA will be held on April 4th, 2009 during the Spring UTTSA Potluck lunch. We sincerely hope that all members will be able to attend the event. Should you not be able to attend, you may proxy your vote to another member of the UTTSA by e-mailing s.komthong[at]utoronto.ca by Friday 3rd at 5:00pm.