Rub Nong รับน้อง Frosh Orientation

If you have not been updated with the news on our facebook page, we would like to announce that the annual TSA Frosh Orientation is taking place tomorrow, Sunday, September 22, 2013. The date has been moved from Saturday due to the weather condition. Alumni, present and future students are invited!
Details are as follows.
Place : Centre Island (Toronto’s Island)
Time : 11:00 – late afternoon
Departure : Meet-up between 9:30-10:00 a.m. @ Front Entrance, King’s College Rd and College St intersection. Be on time! We will leave promptly at 10:00.
Transportation : TTC from Queens Park, and Centre Island ferry. Please bring your own tokens!
*Light snacks will be provided*
Please dress appropriately for the weather and activities. We will also be collecting the Membership fee ($10); this will be discussed in more detail during the orientation.
If you have any questions or wish to ask for direction, please contact P’Camp (647-408-2527). We hope to see you there!
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