UTTSA October-2014 Newsletter

Hello Everyone,
First, I want to welcome you all to the University of Toronto Thai Student Association. As September flies by, and as fall is approaching, here are a few October updates from UTTSA to you.
1) Examination timetable posted
Examination timetable for F section code courses will be posted on Friday, Oct 10th. More details about final exams can be found at: http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/exams/
2) Thanksgiving holiday
University will be closed for Thanksgiving on Monday, Oct 13th.
3) Nuit Blanche
On Saturday, Oct 4th, UTTSA is going to Nuit Blanche!! For those who don’t know about Nuit Blanche, it is the one and only time of the year when downtown Toronto came alive with unforgettable live performance art produced by fantastic performance artists doing remarkable, unique installations.
We will meet up as a group at the Eaton center at 7 PM.
To see more details about this event, visit the event page at
4) Halloween weekend
Our exec team is planning something fun on the Halloween weekend. More details will be posted on our Facebook page shortly. Stay tuned!