Rub Nong รับน้อง Event 2015

The annual welcoming of first year students is finally here!! Other new and existing students in the area are also welcomed to join us.
Event is held on Sunday, Sept 27th at the Toronto Centre Island from 10.00am-5pm followed with a dinner together. For those going straight to Centre Island, meet us at 11am! For those interested in joining us for the commute, we will meet around 9.45am at University of Toronto’s front pillar entrance (College St.& King’s College Rd) and will depart around 10.00am. UTTSA will subsidize the TTC fee so please try your best to be on time!
We will provide lunch, some snacks, and limited cans of pop, so bring your own water! Also, we will be introducing our new club t-shirts. Bring 10$ if you’re interested.
It’s just going to be a day filled with games and fun and laughters and tears and sweats and bloods. Nuff said?! Just kiddinggggggggg
If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to contact any of the hosts!(See on our facebook page
Hope to see yalls faces there!!